What is financial assistance?

Financial Assistance is any type of monetary help or aid that a person, organization, or government receives. The financial assistance is in the form of guarantees, SBLC’s, BCLs, POFs, loans or other Bank instruments as MTN/LTN/PB. The financial assistance may be in the form of cost-sharing arrangements, subsidies, or welfare payments. Tax allowances, grants, and government bailouts of struggling companies are also examples of financial assistance.

In the world of public companies, financial assistance refers to help a company gives in purchasing its own shares. It may also include help in the purchase of the shares of its holding companies.

ADP provides following assistance to its valued eligible members

1)- BCLs/POFs in sum of minimum 5 million Euro and maximum 5 billion Euro.

2)- SBLC, BG. PB, DLC in sum of minimum 5 million Euro and maximum 500 billion Euro

3)- Prime account rich by cash credit in sum of minimum 5 million Euro and maximum 250 million Euro.