Import and Export Support

ADP provides financial support to its customers and eligible members in form of SBCL’s, BGs, BCL, POFs under certain conditions for support of their master business. Be a prime member of ADP and obtain below Corporate services for your master business.

SBLC for Sale Purchase Agreements

BCL/POF for credit line approval or project approval

Bid security for your Tenders

Performance security Tenders

Long term Business Support

Obtain non-interest investment for your social and commercial projects

Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) MT-760

All long-term contracts, credit line, loan approval, sale purchase Agreements need one year and one day cash backed Standby Letter of Credit to cover minimum 12 months value/cost of concerned commodity.

ADP provides at zero charges SBLC services to its eligible members with possible and realisable terms and conditions. Upon MT-799 the client will be responsible to deposit instrument issuance charges of 20% and rest 80% within 25 banking days. ADP will have no share in profit and no charges for service.

General Procedures

a)- Client/customer submit CIS and application for membership

b)- Upon successful DD, ADP approve membership and client pays annual charges

c)- Client submits his/her master business documents; minimum value of Business must be 25 million Euro.

e)- Upon signing of notarized documents, client deposit agreed percentage of face value,

f)- Platform acts for and behalf of client and issuing the required and agreed Bank instrument(s).

g)- Client deposits the outstanding amount of face value within 25 banking days/ within agreed time.